本月最佳學生(外媒): East Haven Rotary Club ‘Students Of The Month’ Honored


East Haven Rotary Club

EAST HAVEN, CT —The East Haven Rotary Club recently recognized their final Students of the Month for the “most difficult” of school years, 2020-2021.

Prior to the pandemic, the awards were presented several times a year at one of the club’s weekly dinner meetings. However due an abundance of caution these awardees were given their recognition in the East Haven High School lobby.

Recently Rotarian’s Kathy Conner and Tammy Afragola presented four students with their Rotary Student of the Month awards.

The Student of the Month is a partnership between the East Haven Rotary Club and East Haven High School that recognizes students for outstanding character as well as academic achievements or progress.

During normal times, each month the Rotary recognizes a student from East Haven High School’s junior class. The student is invited to attend a Thursday night dinner meeting at the Twin Pines Diner and is presented with a certificate and a check for $100.


外媒報導,在美國康乃狄克州的East Haven Rotary Club,剛頒發完2020-21年度最後一次的「本月最佳學生」獎金。原本獲獎學生會受邀出席星期四晚上的例會,並領取美金100元支票。疫情之前,每年會在例會上進行數次頒獎,但是現在因應疫情改為到校致贈獎金的方式。

「本月最佳學生」獎是一項East Haven Rotary Club與East Haven High School的長年合作計畫,每年會頒獎給品學兼優的學生。


  • recognize
  • prior to
  • pandemic
  • award
  • abundance
  • awardee
  • recognition
  • partnership
  • outstanding character
  • academic achievement
  • progress
  • certificate